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Best Practices as a Shopee Affiliate

As an affiliate marketer, there are several best practices you can follow to maximize your success. See below for best practices that will assist you in increasing your sales by building your own branding and engaging your audience through high-quality content.

Section 1: Registration

  1. DO: Provide your Singapore (+65) phone number
  2. DO: Provide your accurate email address
  3. DO: Provide accurate, verifiable social media
  4. DO: Provide the main social media channel(s) with the highest number of social media followers

Using accurate and verifiable social media will help Shopee process your application faster, and give you a higher chance of being chosen by Shopee sellers to promote their products.

Section 2: Content Creation

  1. DO: Publish original content with accurate promotional details and product information
  2. DON'T: Publish misleading content/ad / promotion as clickbait to attract more viewership and conversion

Creating relevant content for your audiences enables you to establish trust, generate conversions and build personal brand awareness in the long term hence leading to increased conversions. 

Follow this 5-steps guide to create high-quality content that engages your audience: 

  1. Understand Your Audience: Who are they, what are their pain points, and what information do they need?
  2. Create an Outline: Outline the main points you want to cover in your content to help yourself stay organized and ensure you cover all the important points. 
  3. Write and Edit: Focus on creating clear, concise sentences that are easy to read. Review your content to ensure it’s free of errors and flows smoothly.
  4. Add Visuals: Adding visuals like images, infographics, and videos can help to break up your content and make it more engaging.
  5. Optimise for Search Engines: Use relevant keywords to help your content rank higher in search engine results pages and drive more traffic to your post(s).

Section 3: Posting

  1. DO: Ensure that you are logged in on your Shopee Affiliate account when generating affiliate link(s)
  2. DO: Share your recommendation in interest groups on a public platform 
  3. DO: Use hashtags when posting affiliate content on social media
  4. DO: Use MyCollection tool to collect your promotional content on one page for your followers (Guide)
  5. DON'T: Use query tool or automated bot to spam link(s) in various channels
  6. DON'T: Post under others’ personal social media to hijack traffic
  7. DON'T: Post Affiliate link(s) on prohibited/torrent/streaming sites

Sharing in public interest groups and usage of hashtags helps to expose your content to new audiences that may not have otherwise seen it hence increasing your reach and new followers/customers. 

Use MyCollection tool to help facilitate your promotion by grouping all products under one page. It will minimise potential spamming which will lead to a bad user experience. 

Repeatedly dumping affiliate links without content or repeatedly sending duplicated content to the same audience may be seen as spamming and cause negative sentiments among the audiences.  

Section 4: Boosting Your Post(s)

  1. DON'T: Run any form of advertisement to promote Shopee without Shopee’s prior written consent
  2. DON'T: Run any Shopee / Brand’s SEM keyword ads

This is not recommended as it can be misleading to consumers and impact their user experience. 

It's important to be honest and transparent in advertising to maintain consumer trust and avoid legal issues.

Have all of the above covered? Start participating in our monthly SAPGoals Contest to ramp up your sales! 

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