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Shopee Live

[Shopee Live Policy] What are the Shopee Live Violations & Penalties?

Livestreams on Shopee Live are designed to provide a more engaging experience for shoppers, allowing them to interact directly with streamers. Consequently, penalties may be imposed on streamers who fail to meet the platform's minimum content standards, thereby affecting the shopping experience for users.

Livestream sessions may also be terminated immediately. Penalties include:

  1. Warnings
  2. Deboosted livestreams (reduced visibility on Shopee Live page, which can lead to decreased traffic and fewer views)
  3. Temporary bans from Shopee Live
  4. Permanent bans from Shopee Live

⚠️ Note

Violations in your livestream sessions, even mild ones, can result in future sessions getting deboosted. Deboosting means that fewer potential viewers and buyers will discover your sessions on the Shopee Live page, potentially affecting the overall performance of your livestreams.

To prevent this, we strongly encourage you to carefully review the list of violations to understand which actions and content are not allowed during livestreams. Avoiding these violations is crucial for maintaining a safe and enjoyable livestream experience for all while maximizing your shop's visibility and success.

Shopee Live Policy:

Any livestream session that contains the following type of content/behaviour would be in violation of our Shopee Live guidelines and be subjected to penalties, based on severity: 

Violation Severity

Ban Duration

Tier 1


Tier 2

7 Days

Tier 3

3 Days

Tier 4

3 Days*

Tier 5

Not applicable

Tier 6

Not applicable

Tier 7

Not applicable

⚠️ Note

Repeated violations could lead to an extended ban duration or even a permanent ban.

[ Severity: Tier 1 ] — Permanent Ban

01 Minor Safety 

  1. Nudity and Sexual Activity 
  2. Focused exposure of minors sensitive areas
  3. Sexual intercourse involving a minor
  4. Sexual commercialisation of a minor

02 Adult Nudity and Sexual Activity

  1. Nudity and Sexual Activity
  2. Overly explicit material that depicts sexual acts
  3. Pictures or videos containing nudity
  4. Audio and texts hinting at, promoting, inciting, or containing eroticism
  5. Vulgar information such as naked body, partial nudity with the intention to expose the body, such as underwear and lingerie
  6. Sexual Services
  7. Promoting or providing sexual services, including sale and monetisation of porn websites/livestream sessions
  8. Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
  9. Non-consensual sexual acts: Any sexual contact that happens without the consent of everyone involved in the activity
  10. Imaged-based sexual abuse: Creation, manufacture, or distribution of nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit content without the consent of the person in the content, to sexualise their body, or portray them in a sexual manner

03 Social, Political and Religious Safety

  1. National and Social Security
  2. Extremist ideologies
  3. Terrorist and Criminal Organisation
  4. Violent or Hateful individuals / organisations

04 Illegal Commercial Activities & Regulated Goods

  1. Gambling, Guns, Drugs

Livestream hosts are not allowed to promote any products or services that are illegal, unlicensed, or prohibited on our platform. Please refer to the product/listing guidelines for more information. Examples below include but are not limited to:

  1. Gambling content
  2. Real Gun or Replica Gun
  3. Consumption of Drugs and Cannabis
  4. Raw Jade Stones
  5. The (i) promotion/sale of raw jade stones and (ii) any lottery-like sales models are strictly prohibited. Refer to our Shopee Live sales guidelines for more information

05 Hurtful Activities

  1. Suicide and Self-injury
  2. The act of commiting suicide and/or self-injury
  3. Assisting others to commit suicide and/or self-injury
  4. Using verbal language, body language, text captions to promote, encourage, coordinate, share plans or provide instructions for suicide and/or self-injury
  5. Showing or promoting suicide and/or self-harm hoaxes, with the intention to trick or deceive others into believing something that is not true
  6. Human Exploitation
  7. Any content related to human exploitation (e.g. human trafficking/smuggling), which are defined as: 
  8. Human Trafficking: the unlawful act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harbouring or receiving people through coercion, force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for benefit or profit
  9. Human Smuggling: the provision of a service, typically transportation or fraudulent documents, to an individual who voluntarily seeks to gain illegal entry into a foreign country

06     Violence and Criminal Activities

  1. Threatening/targeting an individual and demonstrating violent physical gestures or abuse. Abuse is defined as any action that intentionally threatens, harms or injures a person, in order to show dominance or intimidate others. This include physical and verbal abuse (e.g. hurtful teasing, threats)

07 Integrity and Authenticity

  1. Frauds and Scams
  2. Financial and individual-targeted scams, identity theft or phishing scams, and scams related to investments, financial transactions, or jobs
  3. Organisational fraud, such as money laundering
  4. Recruitment for companies that sell products or services in a pyramid structure through independent distributors (multi-level marketing or MLM)
  5. Facilitating the trade of fake currency, documents, and stolen information
  6. Impersonation fraud

07 Privacy and Security

  1. Platform Security

Activities that interfere with the safety and reliability of the Shopee platform and its services

are are prohibited, including:

  1. Providing access to users’ account credentials to others or enabling others to conduct activities that violate our Term of Use.
  2. Accessing our platform in an unauthorised way, or creating fake versions of our platform
  3. Sharing malicious files, content, and messages that contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other harmful materials endangering cyber security
  4. Attempting to obtain personal information (e.g. login credentials) or accessing content, accounts, systems, or data through the use of any deceptive technique (e.g. phishing, smishing, automated scripts, web crawling)
  5. Modifying, adapting, translating, reverse engineering, disassembling, decompiling, or creating any derivative products based on Shopee, including any files, tables or documentation, and attempting to regenerate any source code, algorithms, methods, or techniques embodied in Shopee

[ Severity: Tier 2 ] — 7 Days Ban

01 Minor Safety 

  1. Significant Exposure
  2. Unintentional showing parts of minor's pubic area / female breast / butt
  3. Implied minor's nudity (e.g. using object to cover nude pubic area / female breast / butt)

02 Social, Political and Religious Safety

  1. Religious Controversy
  2. Aggression against religions
  3. Controversial remarks

03 Hurtful Activities

  1. Dangerous Acts
  2. Streaming while Driving

Hosting a livestream while driving is not allowed and is considered an offense under section 65B of the Road Traffic Act 1961

  1. Dangerous Games and Dares
  2. Other types of dangerous acts

[ Severity: Tier 3 ] — 3 Days Ban

01 Minor Safety 

  1. Inappropriate Behaviour
  2. Sexually suggestive behaviour of a minor
  3. Consumption of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco by a minor
  4. Marriage involving a minor
  5. Pregnant minor
  6. Bullying or violence of a minor
  7. Other inappropriate behaviour (underage driving, dangerous challenges etc)

02 Integrity and Authenticity

  1. Deceptive Behaviours
  2. Impersonation Fraud
  3. Using multiple accounts to stream same content at same time (Duplicate Streams)
  4. Providing URL or QR code not intended for marketing content

03 Vulgarity

  1. Soft Porn
  2. Exposure of female's partial breast or sensitive parts
  3. Verbal Description of Sex acts
  4. Display of Fetist Contents
  5. Sex related Audio (e.g. moaning)
  6. Sexually suggestive activities (e.g twerking)
  7. Focus on sensitive parts of animated characters

04 Social, Political and Religious Safety

  1. Political and Social Sensitivity
  2. General Election
  3. Physical Attack on a Politician
  4. Outing (Exposing the identity or location of an individual that may lead to harm)
  5. Swatting (Creating a fake emergency)

05 Illegal Commercial Activities & Regulated Goods

  1. Restricted Goods
  2. Controlled, Illegal, or Prescription Drugs
  3. Malicious software
  4. Endangered species (wildlife and plants)
  5. Weapons
  6. Illegal Materials / Chemical / Dangerous Goods
  7. Counterfeit items
  8. Other violating Items
  9. Illegal Ads
  10. Ads for Controlled, Illegal, or Prescription Drugs
  11. Ads for Financial products
  12. Ads for Endangered species (wildlife and plants)
  13. Ads for Weapons
  14. Ads for health related products
  15. Ads for other violating Items

06 Hurtful Activities

  1. Eating Disorder
  2. Promoting, encouraging, or providing instructions for disordered eating or any dangerous weight loss behaviours (e.g. anorexia, bulimia)
  3. Harassment and Bullying
  4. Content that may be cause alarm/distress or be defamatory towards individuals or groups, including:
  5. Threatening to reveal personal data or personally identifiable information (PII)
  6. Blackmailing an individual
  7. Hacking into an individual’s personal account and/or obtaining their private information without consent
  8. PII is defined as data that could potentially identify a specific individual, including but not limited to: residential address, private email address, private phone number, bank statement, identity documents (e.g. NRIC, passport number), credit card, ATM PIN
  9. Hateful Behaviors
  10. Promoting violence, exclusion, segregation, discrimination, and other harms on the basis of a protected attribute. Examples of protected attributes include 
  11. Race
  12. Religion
  13. Nationality
  14. Gender
  15. Marital status
  16. Age
  17. Socioeconomic status
  18. Sexual orientation/Sexual identity

07 Gory Images

  1. Human Torture and Accidents
  2. Content that shows any form of human torture and/or accidents is not allowed and will be removed from the platform
  3. Animal Abuse
  4. Content that shows any form of animal abuse, animal cruelty, animal trade, or animal exploitations is not allowed and will be removed from the platform

08 Voucher Abuse

When livestream host is neither promoting products nor having proper engagement with the 

viewers, including but not limited to:

  1. Host adding an extensive array and/or non-related products to the livestream shopping bag without having the physical items present
  2. Host leaving static messages (e.g. images, texts, visual cues) on the livestream to collect product nominations
  3. Host verbally asking viewers about their product nominations
  4. Host adding non-related products to an official brand livestream
  5. Host is inactive and not engaging viewers throughout the session
  6. Viewers sending private messages to host before and/or during livestream to request for products to be added to the livestream shopping bag
  7. Viewers listing down and/or commenting on products that they want to be available in the livestream
  8. Viewers requesting for certain products to be added to the livestream shopping bag, in order to meet criteria for free shipping

09 Integrity and Authenticity

  1. Fake Engagement
  2. Engaging in sales or usage of false engagement tools are not allowed. Examples include but are not limited to:
  3. Attempt to sell platform engagement tools (e.g. comments, likes, followers)
  4. Sale of Shopee accounts
  5. Forced engagement before promised content (e.g. only when you follow X amount)

10 Integrity and Authenticity

  1. IP Infringement
  2. Livestream sessions that violate a seller/brand owner’s intellectual property rights (copyright and trademark) will be removed. These includes but are not limited to:
  3. Pre-recorded news, films, TV series, sport events, concerts, variety shows
  4. Playing streaming content without appropriate licensing (>3 mins)
  5. Reposting content from other platforms without any edits
  6. Using unlicensed music
  7. Sale of products that violate Intellectual Property (IP) rights of brands/sellers. Learn more about Intellectual Property (IP) rights

[ Severity: Tier 4 ] — 3-Days Ban*

01 Promote Competitors

Livestreams featuring competitor platforms in the form of picture, text and/or video. 

Examples include but not limited to:

  1. Repost livestreams from competitors platforms
  2. Displaying and actively promoting competitor's platforms

02 Third-Party Transaction

  1. Directing Transaction Outside Shopee
  2. Providing links/details/QR Code that encourage viewers to engage in external transactions or redirect them to third-party platforms is not allowed

03 Vulgarity

  1. Inappropriate Behaviour

Any inappropriate behaviour will not be allowed in livestreams, examples include but are not limited to:

  1. Display of Tattoos larger than 35 square inches 
  2. Adult smoking or drinking
  3. Cursing for prolonged period
  4. Male upper body exposure (inappropriately)

⚠️ Note: Streamers may face a 3-day ban* upon repeated offense.

[ Severity: Tier 5 ] — Terminate Stream

01 Minor Safety

  1. Moderate Exposure
  2. Unintentional showing parts of toddler's pubic area / female breast / butt
  3. Exposure of minor's visible covered pubic area / nipple
  4. Exposed skin near a minor's pubic area
  5. Minor Stream
  6. Any individual below 18 years old is not allowed to host a livestream on Shopee, unless parental supervision is present during the live stream

02 Integrity and Authenticity

  1. Traffic Cheat
  2. Streaming pre-recorded or replay content is not allowed
  3. Misleading Behaviours
  4. Livestream sessions which spread misinformation regardless of the intention will be removed. Examples include but are not limited to:
  5. Misinformation that may cause physical harm or violence
  6. Misinformation that risks public safety
  7. Harmful Health Misinformation
  8. Misinformation regarding political campaigns
  9. Harmful Manipulated media
  10. Fake news

03 Privacy and Security

Leakage of Personal Information

Any content that intentionally or unintentionally displays personal information is not allowed. Personal information includes but is not limited to: 

  1. Home address
  2. Phone number
  3. Identity documents (e.g. passports, government-issued identifications)
  4. Financial and payment information (e.g. bank account number, credit card number, ATM PIN)
  5. Login information (e.g. username, password)

[ Severity: Tier 6 ] — Terminate Stream

01 Low Quality Content

  1. Poor Picture
  2. Streaming quality is poor, such as those that are blurry, pixelated, or video lag
  3. Recommend checking your network and ensuring a stable connection
  4. Poor Sound
  5. Abnormal sounds, such as sharp/harsh background noise which can be unbearable, or inappropriate sounds
  6. Audio is continuously not stable e.g. playing and stopping intermittently due to technical issues
  7. No sound at all

02 Unprofessional and Meaningless Stream

  1. Poor Streamer Presentation
  2. To ensure high-quality livestreams, livestream sessions with no real-human explanations will be given a warning
  3. Poor Product Presentation
  4. No product display
  5. Products are not shown properly and/or does not contain any product explanation
  6. Other Meaningless/Unprofessional Stream

The host adopts inappropriate sitting postures such as (but not limited to):

  1. Lying down, leaning on a bed, or using bedding as props during the live stream
  2. (if the streamer is selling bedding products, then it should be exempted)

03 Gory Images

  1. Graphic Content

Livestream hosts found attempting to stream/promote/ask for graphic content will be given a warning. Graphic content includes but are not limited to:

  1. Extreme physical fighting
  2. Distressing material that may cause anxiety or fear (e.g. showing dead animals, gory makeup, jumpscare effects, etc)
  3. Showing sexual activities between animals

[ Severity: Tier 7 ] — Warning

01 Low Quality Content

  1. Messy Background
  2. Background is cluttered and dirty
  3. Background has low-light
  4. Other messy environment

02 Integrity and Authenticity

  1. IP Complaint
  2. Content with no permission from author or rights holder 
  3. Contents flagged by legal team

Shopee reserves the right to change or modify the above non-exhaustive violation guidelines and issue penalty points where deemed necessary.

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