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[My Account] Can I change my username?

Username can only be changed once in your account settings.

To change your username through the Shopee App, follow these steps: Go to the Me tab > Select ⚙ Icon > Select Account & Security > Select Username > Select Continue > Enter your new username > Select Save.

If you are unable to change your username, your username may have been changed before. If you wish to change it again, you may contact our Live agent via chat feature on the Shopee App.

To chat with our live agents, go to the Me tab > Chat with Shopee

As it may take a while for live agents to respond, you can send key words or phrases related to your issue within the chat. Our chatbot assistant, Sophie, will suggest relevant articles to help you resolve your issue. 

⚠️ Note

To ensure successful username changes, please ensure that your username meets the following requirements:

  1. Minimum of 6 characters/numbers
  2. Only small letters/alphabet
  3. Symbol (.) or (_) (maximum 2 only)
  4. No spaces

Please note that all username change requests will be reviewed by Shopee, and you will be notified of the outcome via an in-app notification.

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