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Administration of the Consumer Protection (Consumer Goods Safety Requirements) Regulations and Requirements for Power Banks

The Consumer Protection (Consumer Goods Safety Requirements) Regulations (CGSR) is administered by the Consumer Product Safety Office (CPSO), under Enterprise Singapore.

Requirements for Power Banks

Suppliers are reminded that they have to comply with the safety requirements for power banks as set out by the CPSO and its Information Booklet. This has been communicated via Circular 2019-05.

Guidelines for Marketing of Power Banks 

To provide consumers with greater confidence when buying your products and to build trust in your company, suppliers are strongly encouraged to publish the safety standards met by the power banks (i.e. through product testing) on the product itself and/or its packaging.

Suppliers are reminded that they are not permitted to use or make reference to the name or logo of CPSO in any marketing material, on the product itself and/or its packaging of the power bank without the prior written permission of CPSO. CPSO will monitor for such infringements and will not hesitate to take stern action against misuse.

The table below illustrates the guideline for displaying your marketing message without infringing on the name or logo of CPSO:



Include information on the safety standard

E.g. This product complies with EN 71 and ISO 8124.

Do not include CPSO name or logo.

E.g. This product complies with CPSO's standards.

Please contact consumerproductsafety@enterprisesg.gov.sg should you require clarification on the circular. Visit www.consumerproductsafety.gov.sg for information on the Consumer Protection (Consumer Goods Safety Requirements) Regulations. 

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