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[New to Shopee] Who are Shopee Preferred Sellers?

Shopee Preferred Sellers are a group of exclusively selected sellers who have proved to be able to provide an enhanced shopping experience. When you buy from a Preferred Seller, you can be sure that they uphold these excellence standards:

  • Have high shop ratings
  • Provide good customer service
  • Ship out orders quickly and efficiently


Shopee Preferred Sellers can be identified by a Preferred badge shown on their shop and listings.

You can find Preferred sellers on the following pages: 

  1. Search page

Preferred Seller label on search page



  1. Shop page

Preferred Seller label on shop page



  1. Product page

Preferred Seller label on product page



You can also use the Search Filter on the search page sidebar to view products from Preferred sellers only: 

Preferred Seller label in filter selection

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