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[Product Ratings] How do I rate and review a product?

  • Rating a Product


You can rate a product once the order it belongs to is completed. Cancelled orders are not eligible for rating. To rate a product, select To Rate via the Me tab on the Shopee App, and then select Rate.


You can then rate the Product Quality for each product in the order, as well as the Seller Service and Delivery Service for the order.



  • Rating Product Quality


Rate the Product Quality using the stars (5 stars being the highest), then add a photo and/or video, and finally, write a review.

  • Rating for Seller Service and Delivery Service


Rate the Seller Service and Delivery Service for the order by using the stars (5 stars being the highest). Once you're done with both the product and order ratings, you can select Submit.



📍 Definitions

  • Product Quality: The quality of the product.
  • Seller Service: The quality of service provided by the seller (e.g., seller's attitude, helpfulness in answering queries).
  • Delivery Service: Service and efficiency of the courier.

⚠️ Note

  • A low rating for Delivery Service and Seller Service will not be calculated into the seller's overall product rating. 
  • Low ratings for Product Quality will be calculated into the seller's overall product rating. 
  • You may also hide your username by disabling the "Show your username on your review" toggle. 
  • If you did not hide your username before submitting the rating, the username cannot be hidden even if you edit the rating. 
  • You need to rate all 3 areas before you can submit your rating.
How to leave anonymous rating.png



Reviewing a Product

There are 3 elements of a product review: 

  1. Text
  2. Photo (up to 5 per review)
  3. Video (1 per review, between 3 to 60 seconds).

When leaving a review, you should:

  1. Use respectful language.
  2. Write a truthful review based on your experience (e.g., whether the item received has met expectations, how well the item received matches the product description on the listing).
  3. Showcase the product from different angles using photos/videos to help give others a clearer visual representation of the product in real life. You can take photos or videos directly via the Shopee App or upload them from your device.

You should not:

  1. Give irrelevant feedback that is not about the product, seller's service, or delivery service.
  2. Use excessive/repeated emojis, punctuation marks, words,or characters, which is considered spam.
  3. Use language or photos/videos that are offensive.
  4. Upload photos/videos that are irrelevant to the product, seller's service, or delivery service (e.g., blacked-out photos/videos, photos/videos that do not show the product).
  5. Disclose any personal details of the seller (Name, contact number & address), voucher code or discount code
  6. Upload chat conversation with seller (Images) which is considered as spam.


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