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[New to Shopee] What are New User benefits?

New User benefits refer to the range of perks offered to a buyer who has newly joined Shopee. The benefits include exclusive vouchers, free gifts, exclusive-price deals, and more.

You may choose either ONE of the following New User benefits below, which is only applicable to your first order:

  1. $12 off and free shipping with no minimum spend (valid for 30 days only)

  2. Free gift of your choice (shipping fee borne by the buyer)

Where can I view my $12 OFF voucher? 

Select Me tab from your homepage > Select My Vouchers 

My Vouchers gif.gif

How do I view the free gift collection?

To view the free gift collection, follow these steps: 

Enter the New User Zone page. There are several entry points: 

  1. Popup banner 
  2. Homepage banner 
  3. New user homesquare 


How to redeem free gifts? 

For Free Deals Voucher 

Finding Deal Vouchers.gif




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